I want to express my gratitude to several people who really helped me with my first book.

Will Nuessle was one of the first people to read my early drafts. Following his advice, I rewrote a huge chunk of the book. And he was absolutely right, so I'm sincerely grateful to him. He also pointed out some insufficient explanations and exposition. I was honored to read the draft of his upcoming book, which was very good, so I know that his opinion is not just empty words.

Exposed: Humanity craves power book cover

Anton D. Morris was another very instrumental person who helped me with my book. His advice about pacing, author's intent, chapter structure, and wastefulness — I tried to address all of his points. I was lucky enough to have read the draft of his new book «Exposed: Humanity Craves Power». It's a very good read, so do check it out, as well as his earlier book «MEN DJINN & ANGELS».

Men, Djinn & Angels book cover
Can I Stray book cover

And last but not least, the person who helped me with my first book is Jenna Adams. Unlike the previous two gentlemen who concentrated on the global scale, Jenna was extremely helpful in getting right the small but numerous things. Jenna's comments about insufficient explanations, unconvincing character behavior, or just punctuation and grammar — all of it was extremely helpful for the book's health. I was delighted to read the draft of Jenna's great book, «Can I Stray».

Many people helped me with my second book as well.

A special thanks goes to K. L. Johnson of Heritage House Books LLC, Milton. His input was invaluable. After reading my early draft, he honestly informed me that it was no good. And so the rewrite began. In return, I read the draft of his book about the paranormal and supernatural, and it was very well done.

J.R. Sampaio also read my early draft. His encouragement helped me keep going, and his suggestions helped me improve my book. To return the favor, I read the draft of his unusual novel about an Ethiopian family. It was a very insightful read, so please check it out. The book is called «Coffee, Tea and Khat».

Another person who read my early draft was Hope Louise. She made a lot of suggestions, and in return, I read the draft of her book about vampires. It is not published yet, but please check out the bookshelves later.

Trisha Johnson was the first person to read my late draft. She helped me understand that it had potential, unlike the old one.

I can't go forward without thanking Tünde Pfeffer. She read my late draft and made many valuable suggestions. Plus, she gave me a draft of her own book to read, which brought me joy and maybe even inspired me to change a thing or two in my own novel. Her work was not published as I’m writing this, but you live in the future, so please try to find Tünde’s book.

And another special thanks goes to Anya Rousselle. She was instrumental in making my book good. As she read my late draft, Anya found multiple errors, silly mistakes, or just straight-up dumb things I wrote. But she never forgot to encourage me and to point out what I did right. In return, I read the draft of her own sweet novel, which I wholeheartedly recommend. Her book is not yet out, but please check out her website, anyarousselle.wordpress.com, for it contains sweet stuff.